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Personal stash of ednitram (beta version)
Su-2 Soviet Light Bomber Serial no: 72081
Manufacturer: ICM / Scale: 1:72 / Category: Airplanes
SPAD XIII WW I Fighter Serial no: 1623
Manufacturer: Academy / Scale: 1:72 / Category: Airplanes
Yakovlev Yak-3 Serial no: 250
Manufacturer: Heller / Scale: 1:72 / Category: Airplanes
Mig 3 N.Krasnov (44 victories) Serial no: 48052
Manufacturer: ICM / Scale: 1:48 / Category: Airplanes
Yak-7D/Yak-9 (early) Serial no: 48041
Manufacturer: ICM / Scale: 1:48 / Category: Airplanes
La - 5FN Soviet Fighter Serial no: 4801
Manufacturer: Zvezda / Scale: 1:48 / Category: Airplanes
PE-2 Soviet Bomber Serial no: 056
Manufacturer: Italeri / Scale: 1:72 / Category: Airplanes